Different situations require tiles of a different wear resistance. Wear resistance groups are identified as 0, I, II, III, IV & V and classified as below:
0 Lightest stress: Unsuitable for the floor area
I Very light stress: For floors in areas subject to very infrequent use, (soft-soled shoes) and no abrasive contamination. Examples: bedrooms and bathrooms in private homes.
II Light stress: For floors in areas subject to infrequent use, (normal street shoes) and small amounts of abrasive contamination. Examples: Private homes, with the exception of kitchens, stairs, terraces, loggias.
III Medium stress: For floors in areas subject to frequent use, (normal street shoes) and abrasive contamination. Examples: all rooms in the home, including bathrooms, hallways, corridors, balconies, loggias, apart from kitchens; hotel rooms and bathrooms; sanitary and therapy rooms in hospitals.
IV Medium-heavy stress: For floors in areas subject to frequent use (normal street shoes) and frequent, intense soiling. Examples: private entrances and kitchens, terraces, sales rooms and utility rooms, offices, hotels etc; floors in schools, administration buildings, hospitals etc.
V Heavy stress: The tiles of the wear-resistance group V, which provide a very high wear resistance, are available for areas subject to intense public use. Examples: bakeries, snack bars, entrance halls of hotels and banks, restaurants.